Analogy exercises with answers| Word Analogy Test Questions with Answers for Competitive Exams #1

Analogy exercises with answers| Word Analogy Test Questions with Answers for Competitive Exams #1

Analogies are test questions where a pair of words are given, and you're asked to settle on another pair with an equivalent relationship.
Take the given analogies test and check your level of preparation in Analogies. (Take it as a form of practise for any competitive exam.)

In order to answer an analogy question correctly, you need  to form a logical relationship, or "bridge" between two words. You must believe how the words are related. Since words represent particulars (not universals), there's an almost infinite number of the way they could be related. 

It is the student's job to narrow this number, and specialise in the foremost essential relation -- the foremost basic aspect of the word's function or definition. This page contains analogies worksheets. In this exercise, you must be ready to recognize the connection between the words during a word pair and to acknowledge when two word pairs display parallel relationships. 

To answer an analogy question, you want to formulate the connection between the words within the given word pair then select the solution containing words associated with each other in most nearly the same way. 

 In this exercise each question has four answer choices, and 10 questions total.

Analogy exercises with answers| Word Analogy Test Questions with Answers for Competitive Exams #1

DIRECTIONS for the questions from 1 to 10: In this exercise a pair of words is given. There exists some relationship between the given pair. Choose the correct pair from the given options which has a similar relationship to the given pair.

NOTE: Explanation for each question is provided at the end of the exercise.


Let's dig in!!

Analogy exercises with answers| Word Analogy Test Questions with Answers for Competitive Exams #1

Detailed solution of the exercise:

 1. Newspaper : Press :: Cloth : ?
(a) Tailor (b) Textile ' (c) Fibre (d) Factory (e) Mill
Sol. Just as newspaper is prepared in a press, cloth is manufactured in the mill.
So, the answer is (Mill).

2. Doctor : Nurse :: ? : Follower
(a) Employer (b) Leader (c) Manager (d) Union
Sol. Just as a nurse follows the doctor's instructions, so also a follower works as
directed by the leader. So, the answer is (Leader).

3. Moon : Satellite :: Earth : ?
(a) Sun (b) Planet (c)Asteroid (d)Satellite
Sol.(b): Moon is a satellite and earth is a planet

4. Forecast : Future :: Regret : ?
(a) Present (b) Atone (c) Past (d) Sins
Sol. (c): Forecast is for future happenings and Regret is for past actions.

5. Influenza : Virus :: Typhoid : ?
(a) Bacillus (b) Parasite (c) Protozoa (d) Bacteria
Sol. (d) : First is a disease caused by the second.

6. Fear : Threat :: Anger : ?
(a) Compulsion (b) Panic (c) Provocation (d) Force
Sol. (c): First arises from the second.

7. Melt : Liquid :: Freeze : ?
(a) Ice (b) Condense (c) Solid (d) Crystal
Sol. (c): First is the process of formation of the second.

8. Clock : Time :: Thermometer : ?
(a) Heat (b) Radiation (c) Energy (d) Temperature
Sol. (d) : First is an instrument to measure the second.

9. Muslims : Mosque :: Sikhs : ?
(a) Golden Temple (b) Medina (c) Fire Temple (d) Gurudwara
Sol. (d): Second is the place of worship for the first.

10. Paw : Cat :: Hoof : ?
(a) Horse (b) Lion (c) Lamb (d) Elephant
Sol. (a): First is the name given to the foot of the second.

So, how were the questions? Did you got all right? I hope you definitely learnt something new today.

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