Synonym commonly known | Synonyms List | Most Common Synonyms List for exam (#01)

Synonym commonly known | Synonyms List | Most Common Synonyms List for exam

What are synonyms?

Synonym is  a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language. 

Let us take an example to understand it. For example, shut is a synonym of close.

So in place of saying close the door, you can also say it as please shut the door. Doesn't it look more professional?

What does synonymous mean? What does synonymy mean?

Words that are synonyms are said to be synonymous, and the state of being a synonym is called synonymy.
Let's take few example before going to the main  synonyms list. 

What is a synonym for spelling?

orthography,logography,orthographic study

What is the synonym for Boston?

Beantown,Athens of America,Cradle of Modern America,Hub of the Universe,Puritan City,the City of Kind Hearts,the Cradle of Liberty,the Hub,the Walking City

What are synonyms for synonyms?

Poecilonym,Metonym ,Homonym

What is the synonym of happy?

contented, content, cheerful, cheery, merry, joyful, jovial, jolly, joking, jocular, gleeful, carefree, untroubled, delighted, smiling, beaming, grinning, glowing, satisfied, gratified, buoyant, radiant, sunny, blithe, joyous, beatific, blessed.

What are the 50 examples of synonyms? Or,for a change, what are the 100 example of synonyms?

To reach 50 , 100 or even more let us start our daily goals with 15 synonyms list at a time.

Well, here is the list you are waiting for!! These are some of the commonly searched and used words over the internet.

Synonyms of beautiful - 

alluring, appealing, charming, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, elegant.

Synonym for good -

 acceptable, bad, excellent, exceptional, favorable, great, marvelous, positive.

Synonym for happy -

 cheerful, contented, delighted, ecstatic, elated, glad, joyful, joyous.

important synonym - 

big, consequential, earthshaking, earth-shattering, eventful, historic, major, material, meaningful, momentous, monumental, much, significant, substantial, tectonic, weighty.

however synonym -

 even so, howbeit, nevertheless, nonetheless, notwithstanding, still, still and all, though, withal, yet.

good synonym -

 acceptably, adequately, all right, alright, creditably, decently, fine, middlingly, nicely, OK (or okay), passably, respectably, satisfactorily, serviceably, so-so, sufficiently, tolerably, well.

help synonym - 

abetment, aid, assist, assistance, backing, boost, hand, helping hand, leg up, lift, support.

different synonym - 

disparate, dissimilar, distant, distinct, distinctive, distinguishable, diverse, nonidentical, other, unalike, unlike.

amazing synonym - 

astonishing, astounding, blindsiding, dumbfounding (also dumfounding), eye-opening, flabbergasting, jarring, jaw-dropping, jolting, shocking, startling, stunning, stupefying, surprising

happy synonym - 

fluky (also flukey), fortuitous, fortunate, heaven-sent, lucky, providential.

provide synonym - 

deliver, feed, furnish, give, hand, hand over, supply.

great synonym - 

accomplished, ace, adept, compleat, complete, consummate, crack, crackerjack, educated, experienced, expert, good, master, masterful, masterly, practiced (also practised), professed, proficient, skilled, skillful, versed, veteran, virtuoso.

beautiful synonyms - 

aesthetic (also esthetic or aesthetical or esthetical), attractive, beauteous, bonny (also bonnie) [chiefly British], comely, cute, drop-dead, fair, fetching, good, good-looking, goodly, gorgeous, handsome, knockout, likely, lovely, lovesome, pretty, ravishing, seemly, sightly, stunning, taking, well-favored.

support synonym - 

brace, buttress, mount, mounting, prop, reinforcement, shore, spur, stay, underpinning.

synonyms of for - 

'cause, as, as long as, because, being (as or as how or that) [chiefly dialect], considering, inasmuch as, now, seeing, since, whereas.

Above is synonyms list containing synonyms words and synonyms example. Find synonyms dictionary for synonyms and antonyms. Others also search for synonyms for good ,synonyms for important,synonyms for beautiful.Here is synonyms list a to z..synonyms list pdf..synonyms list with meaning in english..synonyms list for kids..200 synonyms words list will be made soon after compilation.

More interesting synonyms list will be updated soon in later post about the words whose synonyms are commonly known.

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