CBSE Class 6 Civics Chapter 1-Understanding Diversity (updated) Notes

NCERT CBSE Book Class 6 Civics Chapter 1-Understanding Diversity Notes

Class 6 Civics Chapter 1 Notes: Learn the concepts and understand better them from Chapter 1 of CBSE Class 6 Civics Notes. As we all know that one of the best ways to understand and revise any Chapter for more marks in the exam is to refer to the CBSE Notes Class 6 Civics Chapter 1-Understanding Diversity revision notes.
NCERT CBSE Book Class 6 Civics Chapter 1-Understanding Diversity Notes

From this updated revision notes, class 6 students can better understand the CBSE Class 6 Social Science Civics Chapter 1.

Quick Revision Notes for CBSE Notes Class 6 Civics Chapter 1-Understanding Diversity

Today we will be discussing about the following topics: What does diversity add to our lives? How did India become diverse like this? Are all these kinds of differences a part of diversity or not? Can diversity also be an important part of unity? 

Understanding Diversity

If few children of the same age are asked to draw human figures, we will find that every drawing will be different from each other. Do you the reason? This is because everyone has a unique drawing style.

Not only the children do not look exactly like each other but they also differ in terms of the language that they use to speak, their cultural backgrounds, the religious rituals they practise and, of course, the way they draw!

Making friends

Let's take a question: How easy is it to make friends with someone who is very different? The Class 6 Civics textbook shows the example of two friends, who despite speaking different languages still communicated with each other, as it was very important for them.

In the story given in the book we see that they belonged to different religious and cultural backgrounds which shows the aspect of diversity. Apart from these differences, it can be seen that while one of them attended school, the other had to sell newspapers.

Some people may not have enough to eat or wear and sometimes not even a place to live. This is not just about differences but can be called an inequality.

Inequality arises when a person does not have the resources and opportunities that are otherwise available to other people. The caste system is one of the main example of inequality.

Earlier, our society was divided into different groups based on the work that people do and they were supposed to remain in those groups.

For instance, the children of potters had to continue as potters in the future. It was considered to be irreversible and for this reason, it was not considered necessary for the people to know anything more than what was required for their profession.

This had only encouraged inequality more in the society.

What does diversity add to our lives?

If everything was the same in the world, then there would be no diversity and it would be boring. Even the story writers will not have anything to write about, as most depend on ideas drawn from their experiences and observations in life to make stories more interesting and entertaining.

Diversity In India

India is the land of many diversities, and it incorporates different languages, various types of food, different festivals, different religions and so on. But also, there are many things that are similar to each other.

How do we explain Diversity?

A long time ago, even before the age of trains, aeroplane and bus or car, people at that time used to travel by ships, on horses, on camels or on foot. They travelled in search of new places to settle in or people to trade with.

Sometimes, they had to stay back at a place for a long time. There were many reasons for this. Some people left their homes because of the scarcity of food caused by droughts and famine; while some made their home at the new places. This resulted in mixing of the old and new in their food, language, music, religion and so forth.

A lot of cultural influences help to shape life and culture in some parts that become very diverse, mainly because of their unique histories.

On a similar note, diversity also comes about when people adapt their lives to the geographical area in which they start to live.

For example, living near the sea is quite different from living in a mountainous area; their eating habits, clothing of people, the kind of work they do are all different. Let's take example of Ladakh and Kerala.

1. Ladakh is a desert in the mountains in the eastern part of Jammu and Kashmir, with very little cultivation possible due to the lack of rain and snowfall for most of the year. During the summer, people depend on melting snow for drinking water. People in this area raise sheep and goats. 
Goats produce pashmina wool, which is highly valued, and shawls made from this wool sell for a high price. People consume meat and dairy products such as cheese and butter. Each family had a few goats, pigs, and dzos (yak-cows). Despite the fact that it was a desert, the location drew merchants. It was thought to be a good trading route because it had several passes through which caravans could travel to today's Tibet. 
These caravans transported textiles and spices, as well as raw silk and carpets. Buddhism arrived in Tibet via Ladakh (also called Little Tibet). Islam was brought to this area more than 400 years ago, and it now has a sizable Muslim community. Ladakh has a thriving oral tradition of songs and poetry. Both Muslims and Buddhists perform and sing local versions of the Tibetan national epic, the Kesar Saga.

2. Kerala is a state in the southwest corner of India surrounded by the sea on one side and hills on the other. A variety of spices like pepper, cloves and cardamoms are grown on the hills, making this area an attractive place for traders (Jewish and Arab traders being the first to arrive) (Jewish and Arab traders being the first to arrive). 
St. Thomas, the Apostle of Christ, came here nearly 2000 years ago and is credited with introducing Christianity to India. Many Arab merchants arrived and settled here as well. Ibn Battuta, who visited here about 700 years ago, wrote a travelogue in which he described the lives of Muslims and said that they were a highly respected group. Portuguese had discovered the sea route to India from Europe when Vasco da Gama landed with his ship. 
Such historical influences resulted in people of Kerala practising different religions such as Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism. Other example is, the fishing nets called cheena-vala which are used here that look exactly like the Chinese fishing nets. Even the utensil used for frying is same and is called the cheenachatti. 
It is believed that the word cheen might have come from China. The fertile land and climate are suited to growing rice crop; and a majority of people here eat rice, fish along with vegetables.

From above it can be concluded that Kerala and Ladakh are quite different in terms of their geographical features and have a history with similar cultural influences. 
Both regions were influenced by the Chinese as well as the Arab traders. 
The geography of Kerala allowed for the cultivation of various spices, while on the other hand, the special geographical location of Ladakh and its wool drew traders to these regions. 
Also, the influence of diverse cultures is not merely a thing of the past. Even present lives are all about moving from place to place for various purposes like work and with each move, the cultural traditions and way of life slowly become part of the new place people live in.

Unity In Diversity

Well, India's diversity is one of its greatest assets. Women and men from various ethnic, religious, and regional backgrounds came together to resist British rule in India in the past. 
Thousands of people from different backgrounds participated in India's independence movement. They collaborated to plan joint measures, went to prison together, and sought various ways to oppose the British rule in our country.

Since they were so distinct, the British used this opportunity and decided to divide the Indians and then try to rule them. However, the people of our country demonstrated how they could be different while remaining united in their fight against the British at the same time. 
There is also a song sung in Amritsar, which was sung after the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre in memory of the brave citizens who were killed by a British General.

The songs and icons that arose during the liberation movement serve as a constant reminder of the country's rich history and appreciation for diversity present in our country. 
The Indian flag was also used as a sign of anti-British agitation.

According to the Book, “The Discovery of India”, by Jawaharlal Nehru, Indian unity is not imposed from the outside but rather, “It was something deeper and within its fold, the widest tolerance of belief and custom was practised and every variety acknowledged and even encouraged.” 
It was Jawahar Lal Nehru, who coined the phrase, “unity in diversity” to describe our country. ncert class 6 civics notes google search

I hope the given Understanding Diversity Class 6 Notes Social Science Civics Chapter 1 SST will help you in understanding the chapter better.

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